Former FPI Secretary Munarman Arrested by Densus 88


Former FPI Secretary Munarman Arrested by Densus 88
He was arrested at his residence wearing a white koko shirt, led and held by two Detachment 88 personnel, while other police officers searched Munarman's house. Munarman is suspected of moving other people to commit criminal acts of terrorism, having malicious intent to commit acts of terrorism, and hiding information about criminal acts of terrorism, said the Head of the Public Relations Division of the National Police Inspector General Argo Yuwono, meanwhile at the Ex-DPP FPI Petamburan III, Central Jakarta, a search was carried out and explosives were found. TATP, the police also found other evidence in the form of attributes of banned organizations that have been banned by the government, said Head of the Public Relations Division of the National Police Headquarters Kombes Ahmad Ramadan at Polda Metro Jaya on Tuesday 27/4/2021, several documents will still be investigated by Densus 88," said Ramadan, The police also found a powder that contains nitrate and is still being investigated by the police, several tubes were also found containing powder which was put into bottles of powder - the powder contained very high nitrate of the type of acetone, the police also brought evidence of explosives of the TATP type, TATP This is the same type of explosive as those found in the arrests of suspected terrorists in Condet and Bekasi, this will be investigated by the Forensic Laboratory about the contents of the liquid, said Kombes Ahmad Ramadan.

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