On Sunday, June 27, 2021, at the Gde Manik Singaraja Art Building, Buleleng Regency, the second day of the implementation of the Covid-19 mass vaccination to the public in the context of carrying out the TNI-POLRI National Vaccination Raid, the Regency Covid-19 Task Force (Satgas) team Buleleng synergizes with TNI-POLRI in the implementation of mass vaccination.
On the second day of vaccination, there was a surge in the number of participants who received the vaccine, which was initially targeted at 1,000 people, but until 13.15 WITA there were 1,160 registered participants and 1,087 people were vaccinated.
The spike on the second day of the mass vaccination was carried out, showing that the public's interest in participating in this vaccination is very high, for this reason, this is one of the steps taken by the Regional Government to make it easier for people who have not received the Covid 19 vaccine.
Constantly providing information to the people of Buleleng to be vaccinated, the Head of the Buleleng Regency Communication, Informatics, Coding and Statistics (Diskominfosanti) Office, Ketut Suwarmawan, S.STP,MM. said his party would try to speed up the implementation of vaccination for the because The vaccine provides immunity to prevent the spread of Covid-19.
Therefore, Suwarmawan invited the people of Buleleng to take advantage of the free vaccine opportunity and not be afraid to receive the Covid-19 vaccine because it aims to increase the body's immune system. He also advised people who had received the vaccine to continue to comply with health protocols .
"We invite the public, the mass vaccination that will be held at the Gde Manik Singaraja Art Building will last until Friday, July 2, 2021, so let's tell relatives who have never been vaccinated to come here," he said.
Meanwhile, related to data on the development of handling Covid-19 in Buleleng Regency, 4 people were declared cured, namely 2 people from Tejakula District, and 1 person each from Banjar District and Sukasada District.
In addition, as many as twelve new confirmed people, namely from Banjar District as many as 5 people, Sukasada District as many as 4 people, and Gerokgak District as many as 3 people.
Based on the above developments, the cumulative number of confirmed cases in Buleleng increased to 4,182 people with details; 3,921 people recovered, 178 people died, 78 people were being treated in Buleleng and 5 people were being treated outside Buleleng.
Then for cumulative suspected cases, it increased to 4,890 people and close contact cases as many as 21,499 people. Meanwhile, non-suspect confirmed cases and confirmed travelers remained at 252 and 2 people.