Blood Transfusion Services Based on Minister of Health Regulation 2014 Edition 83 is a health service effort that uses human blood as a basic material for non-commercial humanitarian purposes. Blood cannot be sold for any reason. Blood transfusion services that are sufficient to use blood or blood components that are safe and affordable enough to burden the community are one of the health efforts in the context of treatment and rehabilitation of diseases that need to be carried out. Governments have a responsibility to make blood transfusion services responsive, safe, useful and accessible. The use in the medical field, especially in blood service technology, management of blood components and medical services, requires a legal basis as a result of the principles of national legislation. Therefore, to protect the public, blood services should only be performed by qualified and certified personnel (human resources) and only in medical service facilities that meet the requirements. This is necessary to prevent the risk of transmission of various diseases to both recipients of blood services and to health workers as health service providers and the surrounding environment. Government Regulation No. 7 of 2011 concerning Blood Transfusion Services was revised to coordinate new regulatory budget policies that are more specific to regulating blood transfusion equipment (UTD), hospital blood banks and transfusion service networks. .. Blood transfusion services are medical services that are based on human blood and are used for humanitarian and non-commercial purposes, and blood transfusion services include planning and maintenance. For the healing of blood donors, blood donors, blood distributors and doctor's offices who donate blood to patients. Illness and healing. All hospitals have a hospital blood bank (BDRS), a service unit within the hospital that is responsible for providing safe, quality and adequate blood transfusions to support medical services in hospitals and other medical facilities. (Permenkes 83/2014, chapter III article 40). BDRS is a service unit determined by the hospital director and can be part of the hospital laboratory. Currently, Indonesia still lacks 500,000 bags of blood. In fact, according to WHO, Indonesia's minimum blood requirement is 2% of the total population or around 5.1 million bags per year, and currently only 4.5 million bags are available. 3.5 million sponsors. On that basis, the Minister of Health Prof. Dr. Nila F Moeloek, Sp. Because M(K) wants more people to join and become blood donors, PMI always donates blood as often as possible to all levels of society. With the issuance of Permenkes 83/2014, the role of hospitals with BDRS has become clearer. In particular, the duties and responsibilities between BDRS and UTD are unclear and the Ministry of Health has now integrated BDRS with UTD. hospital services. .. A person with clear duties and responsibilities, supported by clear buildings, facilities, infrastructure, equipment and personnel, including job qualifications and names of human resources. It comprises a strong network of transfusion services between providers and health authorities, and provision of this network has so far been only possible in affected facilities without the participation of the health sector.Dr Rizani said the ideal blood requirement for Buleleng is 30 bags per day. However, currently there are only 120 blood bags at PMI Buleleng Regency. He said the blood supply began to decrease after President Joko Widodo announced the first case of COVID-19 in March. According to Dr. Lizani, many people have canceled blood donations since the outbreak was announced. “There are several sponsors who are often late. But there is a monthly schedule. I had to postpone my schedule because of an infectious disease. Of course, there is a risk of losing blood volume in the future. However, this infection also reduces the need for blood bags. To solve this problem, PMI Buleleng asked for replacement blood for all the blood that came out. “That's why we often ask donors to look for alternative blood donors. First, contact the list of blood donors. Come whenever you need to donate blood. In general, that's it. ", he stated. He added that alternative donors were created to ensure a safe reserve. "If you run out of stock like AB, for example, you have to ask," he said. He has type AB blood which is very rare. "And demand is definitely rare. We can't provide much information either. We are afraid we will be out in three weeks," he said. Meanwhile, his party appealed to the public not to be afraid to donate blood during the current pandemic. This is because a strict process is in place to ensure that the process, from giving to testing and taking blood, is safe. He concluded: "PMI also has a special process on how to donate. *cr75