The Buleleng Regency Government's serious efforts in completing the 70% vaccination target continue to be carried out. Various schemes have been carried out to achieve this. Today, Wednesday (30/6) the third day, thousands of Sangsit Village residents are enthusiastic about carrying out mass vaccinations at the Sangsit Village PPI.
The enthusiasm of the community cannot be separated from the role of the Sangsit Village Government in synergizing with the TNI to encourage its citizens who have not been vaccinated.
Met at the vaccination site, Sangsit Village Head Office Putu Arya Suyasa said from the total population of 8,425 Sangsit Village people two days ago who had vaccinated as many as 525 people. Today with a target of 1,200 people, the achievement of vaccination in Sangsit Village has reached 50%.
"We, the village continue to convey to the community through mobile broadcasts in the village so that our people want to be vaccinated," he said.
Furthermore, he thanked the Buleleng Regency Government and the TNI for facilitating the village to carry out this mass vaccination. Later in the implementation of the Covid-19 vaccination, it can run safely, peacefully, and without any obstacles.
"We expect the presence of the community that this is a free vaccine, later if people who do not want to be vaccinated will be subject to law, because this is a government program," he said.
Meanwhile, Dentist Nugroho as the field supervisor from the hospital. The Singaraja Army explained that the mechanism for implementing this vaccination starts from the registration stage and continues with screening, at this stage checking the condition of the people who want to be vaccinated, and at the last stage vaccination.
In addition, he said from the RS. The army invited 12 personnel to vaccinate, including two doctors, the rest were nurses, midwives, and operators.Meanwhile, the implementation of centralized vaccination in the art building entered its fifth day. People's enthusiasm for vaccination has never subsided. Today, there are approximately 2,000 registered people. For the great enthusiasm of the community, the Buleleng Regency Covid-19 Task Force will extend the vaccination schedule until July 9, 2021. This was stated by the Coordinator for Data and Information of the Buleleng Regency Covid-19 Task Force, Ketut Suwarmawan, S.STP, MM, when delivering the update release. handling of Covid-19 in his office on Wednesday (30/6).
justify;">Further explained by Ketut Suwarmawan who is also the Head of the Buleleng Regency Communication, Information, Encryption and Statistics Agency, in achieving the target of 70% of the population being vaccinated, additional schemes were carried out in addition to the regional complete pattern as well as centralized vaccination. Gde Manik Singaraja Art.
"Reflecting on this centralized activity and seeing the fairly high participation of the community, the vaccinations carried out at the Gde Manik Singaraja Arts Building will be extended until July 9, 2021," he explained.
Furthermore, explained Kadis Suwarmawan, apart from being centralized in the implementation of vaccination, it also targets areas in Buleleng Regency where the percentage of vaccination achievement is still low, such as in Seririt District, which is handled by the task force team with the sub-district. "Synergy from the TNI-Polri has also carried out vaccinations in several places, such as in Sangsit Village, Sawan District," he added.
Asked about the extension of Village/Kelurahan-Based Community Activity Restrictions (PPKM), Kadis Suwarmawan said, according to the instructions from the center and the Governor of Bali, the Regent of Buleleng issued Circular No. 1600/COVID-19/VI/2021 which is valid from yesterday until July 13, 2021. This circular is a form of anticipation due to the increasing number of Covid-19 cases in several areas including Buleleng.
Regarding the release of the development of the handling of Covid-19 today, 1 person recovered from Gerokgak District. Meanwhile, there were 24 new confirmed cases from Gerokgak and Banjar sub-districts, each with 5 people, Buleleng and Sukasada sub-districts 4 each, Sawan sub-district 3 people and 1 person each from Busungbiu, Seririt , and Tejakula sub-districts. In addition, there is only 1 probable case from Seririt District.
Cumulatively, Kadis Suwarmawan explained, there were 4,232 confirmed cases, 3,932 people recovered, 182 people still died, and 118 people were being treated. Meanwhile, the cumulative suspected cases were 4,959 people, the cumulative close contacts were 21,557 people, the non-suspect confirmed cases/close contacts were 258 people and the confirmed traveler cases were 2 people.