wfh is work from home along with how to stay enthusiastic and productive the Corona virus outbreak has spread throughout the world has changed many things including methods and work culture in many organizational agencies and companies. or covid-19 in many countries in the world but the concept of working from home or working remotely is not a new thing because it has received attention since the end of the 20th century following the emergence of communication technology and personal computers in the 80s, remote pilot programs began in various locations in the United States and the 90s many states, local governments and companies have implemented remote working systems driven by developments in information technology and international business competition more organizations are implementing remote working in its implementation brings its benefits but can also so boom People for themselves become more lazy and unproductive for that even though they work from home, everyone still needs to motivate themselves so that they are always enthusiastic about working and completing all responsibilities which are also their obligations. here is complete information about wfh in a way to stay enthusiastic and productive. the benefits of wfh for workers in brief1. The benefits for workers are as follows a balance between work and family life reduces travel time to the office and saves fuel, can control the work schedule and work atmosphere.
2. Benefits for employers reduce employee turnover, reduce laziness, and absenteeism, strengthen the company's image as a family-friendly place to work
The impact of working from home
there are various benefits obtained by web H but it is not without problems and problems, the following are the impacts of imp
lementing wfh both for workers and employers 1. Impact on workers
workers who are accustomed to a conventional office atmosphere find it difficult to coordinate with colleagues, a neater work schedule may be needed, it may even be necessary to apply our time to gather at the office, there are no clear boundaries between the office and especially home, even working time tends to be without limitations, remote workers tend to appear to be unemployed and impact relationships with neighbors and family Families and neighbors may become angry when remote workers do not participate in household work, and the environment despite the father they are at home.
2. Impact on employers
Meanwhile, for employers, some of the obstacles that may arise include some leaders from employers having difficulty adjusting, especially for leaders
For leaders who tend to lack confidence in subordinates in jobs that require high group collaboration agencies, it is necessary to arrange a meeting schedule that will be inconvenient. Types of work that require meeting directly with customers only allow workers to be free on a limited basis, it is not possible to be away from the office while only some workers can work remotely so this will cause a sense of injustice among workers some workers cannot work without supervision how to stay enthusiastic and productive when WH wfh make work plans such as schedule tasks What to do every day Don't forget to give a priority scale and most importantly don't procrastinate while working because one of the biggest factors that often make us fail to be productive is a lack of focus when you focus. As work is also not good for the body, remember that being productive doesn't mean neglecting to rest. Try to get enough sleep every day, ideally 6-8 hours. Don't force yourself to sleep only 3-4 hours because you are chasing work targets. Your immune system is easy to drop and your mood is chaotic, disciplined because no matter how good you are in planning work, it's all useless if you're not disciplined in carrying out your work, you need to be disciplined, keep trying to think about work, it will trigger stress. The solution is that you have to change the way our system of your work to be more productive as a person workers have a positive spirit to be productive so that you can complete tasks on time without disturbing time or holidays.