Buleleng news


The synergy between Buleleng Regency Government and Kodim 1609/Buleleng, Dandim Windra Holds Antigen Swab Test

Anticipating the transmission of Covid-19 in Buleleng Regency, Dandim 1609/Buleleng, Lt. Col. Inf. Muhammad Windra Lisrianto, SE., M.I.K. as well as the Deputy Chair of the Task Force (Satgas) for handling Covid-19, held an antigen swab test for traders and buyers in synergy with the Buleleng Health Office. This activity took place at Banyuasri Market, Wednesday (4/8).

This activity was led directly by the Dandim of Buleleng and on that occasion, Dandim Windra Lisrianto said that this activity was one of the efforts to anticipate the spread of the Covid-19 variant of the delta and the Banyuasri Market is one of the economic centers and mostly causes interaction between communities.

"This antigen swab test activity aims to ensure that the community is free from exposure to Covid-19, if the results are reactive, further treatment will be carried out immediately," said Dandim.

Furthermore, Windra emphasized to all traders and buyers after participating in the antigen swab test activity to maintain health by always implementing health protocols.

"By discipline in implementing health protocols and always wearing masks, maintaining physical distance, washing hands diligently and getting used to a clean and healthy lifestyle." Lt. Col. Windra's message.

Meanwhile, one of the Banyuasri market traders, Komang Sentani, a woman (45) said she was very enthusiastic about this activity so that she knew she was not healthy by feeling quite nervous about taking this antigen swab test.

"Excited for sure, I have taken the antigen swab test twice and have also carried out this vaccine, all I did to support the government's program and of course so as not to be exposed to the Covid-19 virus," he said.

The results of the antigen swab test at the Banyuasri Market started at 08.00 WITA until 11.00 WITA with 100 traders and buyers. Meanwhile, the medical staff at the Buleleng Hospital began to be overwhelmed by treating patients who were confirmed positive for Covid-19. Patients even have to be treated in the halls of the treatment room. Dozens of others had to queue at the Emergency Installation (IGD) Buleleng Hospital.

Since Monday (2/8) night, the atmosphere in the ER at Buleleng Hospital has suddenly changed. In just one night, 38 patients were confirmed positive for COVID-19 who entered the ER. The medical team on duty was shocked. Because the treatment room is full.

Management finally took a frontal step. A total of 10 patients were treated in an isolation room using a verbed or a folding bed. A total of 10 patients were temporarily treated in the VVIP Room. Meanwhile, 18 other people are still queuing at the ER. They even have to be treated in the halls of the treatment room. Since last night his condition is full. So in one night, 38 people came. We have put some into the room, even if only with a verbed. We are still evaluating a dozen others,” said the Director of the Buleleng Hospital, dr. Putu Arya Nugraha, Sp.PD when confirmed yesterday (2/8)

According to Arya, dozens of patients being treated at the ER Buleleng Hospital are in the mild-moderate category. Meanwhile, the patients who entered the treatment room had moderate-severe status.

Management also plans to open additional treatment rooms. It is planned that Ward Melati 2, which is used as a postpartum care room, will be transformed into an isolation room.

From there the medical team will get an additional 15 more beds. It is planned that the room will be ready for use on Tuesday (3/8) this afternoon. The president director of Buleleng General Hospital, dr. Putu Arya Nugraha, Sp.PD Tuesday (2/8) hopes that other hospitals will start preparing to add treatment rooms. Because some hospitals are considered to still be able to add treatment rooms.

If a private hospital wants to open a treatment area, specifically for patients who are queuing up at the ER Buleleng Hospital, they will be distributed to several other hospitals. However, Buleleng General Hospital is also preparing an additional treatment room to accommodate them. We have coordinated and asked for help too. So that there is a division. Let us focus on the moderate-severe conditions," he added.

He also suspects that the spike in patients is related to the delta variant that is starting to spread.

“This delta has entered Singaraja. I've read the document and I'm holding it. That's why there was a surge like this. We hope this will not be prolonged," said Arya.

On the other hand, the occupancy rate at hospitals in Buleleng has reached 83 percent. Of the 221 beds available, only 36 are left.

Now only three hospitals have occupancy rates below 70 percent. They are Tangguwisia Hospital, Giri Emas Hospital, and Wirasatya Singaraja Hospital. While the ICU Room occupancy rate, of the 30 available beds, only 2 beds remain.

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