Economics and Business News

 Estimated If RI Leaves Dollars

Indonesia is slowly but surely reducing its dependence on international transactions using US dollars or US dollars. This is done through cooperation with various countries, using the Bilateral Currency Swap Arrangement (BCSA) and Local Currency Settlement (LCS) agreement schemes.

The Governor of Bank Indonesia (BI) when occupied by Agus Martowardojo explained that there were several benefits or benefits from the LCS agreement. Meanwhile, if trade transactions use US dollars, it is considered inefficient.

"It can reduce dependence on the US dollar because it uses local currency. For example, rupiah to ringgit can be done directly and there is no need to buy US$ first and then convert it to Ringgit," Agus said on December 11, 2017, and Nanang Hendarsah while serving as Head of the Bank's Financial Market Deepening Department Indonesia, explained that with LCS cooperation, the costs incurred could be cheaper.

"Usually if you want to make transactions using Thai Baht, you have to buy US dollars first, if you buy directly now, the spread is smaller," said Nanang. ) US dollars.

 Most Expensive Ancient Money in Indonesia

Old rupiah currency has recently become a topic of discussion because some are sold for hundreds of millions of rupiah in the marketplace. For some people in Indonesia, collecting ancient money is the main attraction.

Although it is no longer used for transactions, ancient money has a fairly high investment value. For collectors or fans of ancient money, having old or old money that not many others have is a matter of pride. Although it cannot be traded or transacted, the price can be fantastic if it is included in the unique and rare category. Ancient money is a product that has a high price compared to its original value. With its rarity, many collectors are willing to spend money to be able to own it. One of the ancient coins that have a fantastic price is the Rp 500 note issued in 1992. The banknote with the image of an orangutan with a greenish color has now been stopped, as stated in a Bank Indonesia regulation. (PBI) number 8/27/PBI/2006.

 the nominal Rp500 banknote with a monkey image was sold at various prices, from the cheapest at Rp.

If it has not been withdrawn from circulation, then the value of the money is still the same as a legal tender for the transaction. However, if there are people who will collect (not transactions) like a numismatic collection or collection of ancient coins, usually the price depends on the agreement between the buyer and seller. Quoted from various sources, Sunday (12/9/2021), some ancient coins have a fantastic price.

 This is a complete list of the latest fuel prices in Indonesia

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) has signed Presidential Regulation No. 69 of 2021 concerning the Second Amendment to Presidential Regulation No. 191 of 2014 concerning the Supply, Distribution, and Retail Selling Price of Oil Fuel. The rules regarding the formula for setting fuel prices have also been changed.

Will the fuel price change with the new formula?

Corporate Secretary of PT Pertamina Patra Niaga Sub Holding Commercial & Trading Putut Andriatno said so far there is no plan to change fuel prices with the new regulation.

"Regarding price changes, we still don't have any information," said Pu some time ago, quoted on Saturday (11/9/2021).

On the other hand, Putut explained that currently, the implementation of Presidential Regulation 69 of 2021 is still waiting for derivative rules from relevant stakeholders as a policy reference. It could be through a Ministerial Regulation or other derivative regulations.

"Currently, regarding the Presidential Regulation, SH Commercial and Trading is waiting for its derivative rules as a reference for implementation," said Putut.

Pertamina itself last announced the latest update on its fuel prices in April 2021 ago. However, until now the price of fuel oil (BBM) remains unchanged. "Until now, the price of Pertamina's fue l products has not changed," said Pertamina VP of Corporate Communication, Fajriyah Usman. Monday (23/8/2021).

Fajriyah added, regarding the price of fuel, there is no change in the provisions in this Presidential Regulation compared to the previous one. Subsidized BBM and assignments are determined by the Government while other types of BBM are determined by Business Entities with a formula that has been determined by the Government.

Meanwhile, Energy Watch Executive Director Mamit Setiawan said that for now, the government has set a new regulation regarding the price of fuel, but later it will need a derivative regulation from the Presidential Regulation. existing from the side of the existing arrangements," said Mamit.

Mamit explained that the emphasis of the presidential regulation did not add new variables, but rather the certainty of the rules listed. "So for certainty, I don't see any potential for price changes, although the price will definitely remain and indeed it will follow the increase in oil prices," he said.

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