Economics And Business News

Improve Marketing, Bamboo Corner Sidetapa Holds Social Media Marketing Training

To improve members' ability to do digital marketing, Bamboo Corner Handicraft Sidetapa held a "Social Media Marketing Training" for its members on Sunday (19/9) at the Bamboo Corner Sidetapa Workshop.

The workshop was organized by Bamboo Corner Sidetapa which is a community of bamboo craftsmen from Sidetapa Village with marketing materials

On that occasion, the Head of the Buleleng Regency Communication, Information, Encryption, and Statistics (Kominfosanti) Office, Ketut Suwarmawan, who was present as an invitation, also gave encouragement and direction to the members consisting of youths from Sidetapa Village.

Suwarmawan appreciated Bamboo Corner Handicraft's enthusiastic steps in expanding its business into digital marketing.

This is because, in the current era, digital marketing has become a necessity to get a market that has a lot of potential on social media.

As a form of support, Suwarmawan will help coordinate with parties who can provide further assistance from the Department of Trade, Industry, Cooperatives, and UKM Kab. Buleleng to facilitate Bamboo Corner Handicraft to participate in free online training from the Center for Human Resource Development and Information Communication Research in Yogyakarta related to a digital platform business, copywriting, social media, and marketplace optimization, as well as creating loyal consumers.

For that, he hopes that Bamboo Corner Handicraft can be more advanced in increasing the selling power of Sidetapa Village bamboo crafts.

Meanwhile, Wayan Ariawan who provided Social Media Marketing materials directed the participants to always make the best use of the internet.

That's because according to him the internet has great potential in making a profit. both through blogs and social media.

Ariawan, who is also the founder of English Corner Sidetapa, also invited participants who like to create written content to display their work on blogs and social media.

Because apart from being a learning medium, it can also generate rupiah coffers through Adsense.

Various Home Businesses to Support Family Income During the Pandemic

 income but it must be more because the current situation is uncertain, it is difficult to predict so a backup business is needed, there are several business opportunities that we can try, among others

-Business services and all-around business, opening this type of business only requires the rental of energy and space, sufficient permission from the neighborhood or RT and urban village of this type of business such as salons, laundry, stalls.

- Handicrafts and skills, making woven bamboo, knitting, wall hangings, wooden sculptures, ceramics, and textiles

-Contemporary coffee shops, models of tent cafes or bale Bengong cafes, can be bus cafes or use minibus cars as very promising cafes like GWK Jimbaran using the VW Combi as a cafe.

-Home of the Balok ice industry. Cakes and snacks, considering that Bali has many religious ceremonies, and holidays, many cakes and snacks are needed, to make your own it will take a lot of time and complicated so most of the mothers now buy it.

-Business selling electronic pulses including electricity payments, PDAM, internet payments, motorbike payments, western Union payments, etc

-Being a child care service, making this service also good for cities, because parents are busy and don't trust domestic workers so they send their children to TPAs ​​near where they work, those are 6 types of businesses that you can try to increase your needs deal with difficult times like today.

People's Business Credit (KUR) Digital, Gojek Partners, Grab, Shope and Toko Pedia

Many entrepreneurs in the area are confused about finding business credit, so they often ask through social media the procedure for finding credit here, the author tries to introduce people's business loans and with the requirements to help the businesses of friends affected by the 2019 coronavirus disease pandemic which aims to help community businesses affected by the covid pandemic 19, especially those whose status is MSMEs (Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises). Government assistance through banking is aimed at business development, with the following requirements:

1. Individual or Individual

2. Have a business that runs for at least six (6) months

3. Running a business through one of the e-commerce platforms (Shopee, Toko Pedia) that provides ride-hailing services (Gojek or Grab.

4. Not currently getting credit from banks except for consumer credit such as KPR, KKB, Credit Cards.

5. Administrative requirements such as KTP, KK, Business Permits can be in the form of certificates from e-commerce.

PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia continues to accelerate people's business loans digitally through digital loans. The government does exist and is channeled from various sectors and institutions in charge of finance, namely the banking sector and financial institutions charge of finance, now it is only the people who choose and determine their loans and adjust their ability to repay the loan so that later they will have the opportunity to borrow again. paid off on time and smoothly, it affects the customer's track record to gain trust from the bank in the future, on the one hand, this digital chart is made so that customers do not come to the office but are quite generous via cellphone or computer, the list is through the Bank Bri. kur website

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