The meaning of Pagerwesi Day for Balinese Hindus


the meaning of the feast of Pagerwesi itself. For Hindus, every Buda Kliwon Sinta celebrates rerahinan Pagerwesi. We can imagine that areas, where the majority of the population are Hindus, must have been busy preparing ceremonial facilities to celebrate Pagerwesi. People, especially mothers, have been seen offering offerings or offerings at Merajan or their respective objections in the morning.

Some of them then went to the temple in their respective village or to the Jagatnatha Temple. Due to the different varna of the devotees, each adjusts its time for Tangkil to the temple. The stakeholders provide service patiently who have been visited by Pemedek since morning to pray.

In Bali in particular, at the temples, which are also tourist areas, Pemedek usually seems to mingle with several foreign tourists who enter the temple area (non-Utama Mandala) accompanied by their guide. They wanted to see up close the process of praying at the temple. It seems that people who are used to the situation are not so affected by the presence of these Caucasians who adjust a little in terms of clothing though


Pagerwesi's Devotional

Ongkara In carrying out our obligations as devotees of Brahman, have we ever contemplated: What is the essence of the Pagerwesi celebration? It is stated that Pagerwesi is the Payogan day of Sang Hyang Pramesti Guru, the Main Soul of Brahman as the Supreme Teacher or the teacher of all things.


Regarding the name Brahman given as Sang Hyang Pramesti Guru, I have the meaning: "Sang" is an honorific title, "Hyang" means the supreme, "Pramesti" consists of the word "Parama" which means great, sublime, supreme, and "Isti" means supplication, "Guru" in this case is Guru Swadhyaya i.e. Brahman. So, Sang Hyang Pramesti Guru is the Main Soul of Brahman as the Supreme Grantor to all sublime requests.

The Pagerwesi celebration is still a series with the Sarawati celebration. In the celebration of Saraswati, we worship Shakti Brahman as the source of all sources of knowledge and the source of wisdom. As high as knowledge a person has, it will not mean anything for the perfection of his soul, if it does not lead him to worship Brahman which is his pure knowledge.

Devote the knowledge that has been bestowed upon us to create peace and prosperity for the universe according to the varna that has been assigned to each of us. This commitment must be able to become a strong fence or fortress (“temple” within oneself) to protect ourselves from all kinds of temptations while navigating the ocean of life. By equipping themselves with knowledge, people are expected to have broad insight, as well as be able to face various life problems.

In this celebration of Pagerwesi, let us make petitions and strengthen lofty commitments. Committed to carrying out dharma better than the day


“yathadityah samudyan vai tamah sarvvam vyapohati,

evam kalvanamatistam sarvvapapam vyapohati.”

(Sarasamuccaya, sloka16)

Kadi kramaning Sang Hyang Aditya, umijil angilangaken petenging rat, mangaka poinaning wong amulahaken ing dharma, angilangaken sakabehing papa.

(Just as the behavior of the rising sun dispels the darkness of the world, so is the characteristic of those who practice dharma, which is to destroy all kinds of contempt for the soul).

Om dirghayuastu tad astu astu,

Om awighnamastu tad astu astu,

Om subhamastu tad astu astu,

Om sriyam bhawantu, sukham bhawantu, full moon bhawantu.

Om a no badrah kratawo yantu wiswatah. Pagerwesi comes from the word "pager" which means fence or protection and "Wesi" means iron which is a strong material, so during the Festival of Pagerwesi it aims to fence yourself (Magehang crew) firmly so you don't get caught. interference or damage.

The philosophical meaning in the celebration of this Pagerwesi holiday is as a symbol of the strength of faith, fencing oneself with the guidance of science so that humans do not experience darkness or Awidya. Hindus to be able to perform rituals and celebrate them, so that humans can fence themselves with knowledge and firmness of faith.

To get guidance in exploring this knowledge, what is glorified and worshiped is Ida Sanghyang Widhi Wasa in his manifestation as Sanghyang Pramesti Guru, he is a teacher from the universe who can guide humans to the right path in understanding life knowledge Sang Hyang Pramesti Guru is another name for Lord Shiva, in Tri Murti Lord Shiva is as a melting pot, melting all bad qualities. He is also the teacher of humans, humans must worship him during celebrationsPagerwesi, because humans in understanding science need an abstract guide, so that humans are not misguided.

The significance of the celebration of Pagerwesi Day is so important, even when the celebration is celebrated in several places, such as the celebration of Galungan.

The implementation of the Pagerwesi Day starts from Sanggah or Merajan in the yard of the house to other large temples such as the Kahyangan Jagat temple, while in the Pakraman village environment, people also pray at the Kahyangan Tiga temple. This time is celebrated by all Hindus, but of course, the implementation depends on the local village (place), Kala (time), Patra (circumstances), so that the celebration is adjusted, whether the celebration is the main Nistaning (small and major) or the main (big and big) celebration. main)

In addition to making offerings to the Hyang Pramesti Guru, it is during Pagerwesi that humans do yoga meditation, purify themselves and ask for grace and strength to Hyang Pramesti Guru because he is a true teacher so that they can guard themselves with the sanctity of knowledge or the power that is bestowed upon them. Because science is the true and main pager (fence). In the Balinese calendar, which is based on Wuku, Hari Raya Pagerwesi has a close relationship with Hari Raya Saraswati. Pagerwesi is the earliest (first) major Hindu religious holiday in the Balinese calendar based on Wuku or Pawukon, namely on Wuku Shinta, while Saraswati Day falls on the last Wuku on Wuku Watugunung, so the distance between the celebrations of the two holidays is close.

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