Waskita to Build North Bali Airport
PT Waskita Karya (Persero) Tbk has signed a Memorandum of Understanding with PT BIBU Panji Sakti in the context of the plan to build North Bali International Airport along with supporting facilities and related infrastructure on Thursday (16/12/2021) yesterday at the Waskita Karya Office, Jakarta.
The signing was carried out by the President Director of PT Waskita Karya (Persero) Tbk, Destiawan Soewardjono with the President Director of PT BIBU Panji Sakti, Erwanto Sad Adiatmoko Hariwibowo.
"With the collaboration between Waskita Karya and BIBU Panji Sakti in building this North Bali International Airport, I hope there will be synergies to build new infrastructure projects that can increase the effectiveness of aviation and tourism in Bali and benefit the people of Indonesia," said Destiawan. This signing is a form of PT BIBU Panji Sakti's trust in the company. As it is known that Waskita is an expert in the fields of construction, property, engineering procurement construction, and investment who has experience in handling various large development projects at home and abroad.
Meanwhile, PT BIBU Panji Sakti is the main initiator of the North Bali International Airport development project, which is located on the coast (offshore) and is in the Kubuaddan area, Regency. Broadly speaking, the scope of cooperation includes runways, taxiways, aprons, passenger terminals, parking buildings, cargo, administration buildings. Other supporting work, including maintenance, repair, and overhaul (MRO) as well as access infrastructure work in the form of roads and others. Destiawan also hopes that the collaboration between Waskita Karya and BIBU Panji Sakti will not only end here but will also be mutually beneficial. maintain in the long term.
"I hope that in the future, Waskita Karya, which is engaged in construction and investment, who is very experienced in the construction of large projects both at home and abroad, and BIBU Panji Sakti, have a high commitment to maintaining this cooperation well and in the long term, "said Destiawan. Meanwhile, BIBU President Director Panji Sakti, Erwanto Sad Adiatmoko Hariwibowo welcomed this collaboration. He hopes that the signed memorandum of understanding can realize the dreams of the Indonesian people, especially the people of North Bali.
"Currently, development in Bali is faster in the southern part, and we have a tagline of building Indonesia from North Bali. Hopefully, with the construction of North Bali International Airport, we can balance the economy between the South and North, the island of Bali," said Erwanto.
The board of directors of PT BIBU Panji Sakti was also present at the signing ceremony, Director of Operations, Tulus Pranowo, Director of Commercial, Elpris M. Zen, Director of Engineering, David Irwan, Director of Communications Ahmed Kurnia. Meanwhile, the Waskita board of directors accompanied the Director of Operation 3, Gunadi, Director of QSHE & System Development, Arijanti Erfin, Director of Finance & Risk Management, Taufik Hendra Kusuma.
North Bali Airport Equipped Toll, Investment Cost Rp 21 T
Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs and Investment, Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan, said the construction of North Bali Airport was followed by toll roads as supporting access. Luhut said the investment cost for the project reached Rp 21 trillion.
"We just talked yesterday, North Bali Airport will be built with a toll road, it costs Rp 21 trillion, we have started it," said Luhut when he was a keynote speaker at the FEB UI Public Lecture virtual, quoted on Saturday (19/9/ 2020).
Luhut has also communicated with the Governor of Bali I Wayan Koster. One of the agreements from the discussion was that the local government of Bali handled land issues, including land, while the central government took care of infrastructure development. Luhut targets the North Bali Airport to be completed in 2023.
"I just talked to the governor, and at the center, we have already spoken, the agreement is that the local government frees up the land because we don't want to deal with customary lands, development from us, we will finish it until 2023. So we have carried out everything," he said. Previously, the Deputy Minister (Wamen) of BUMN, Kartika Wirjoatmodjo said that the construction of the New Bali airport would later be able to accommodate up to 50 million passengers per year.
"We will start one new project, namely the construction of a tourism superhub in Bali, for the North Bali airport. To support Ngurah Rai Airport so that we have a capacity of up to 50 million in Bali in the next three years," he said at the HSBC Economic Forum, Wednesday. (16/9/2020).
With the existence of the North Bali airport, the man who is familiarly called Tiko said that later tourists who want to travel to the eastern region can directly land in Bali first.