Economics and Business


Future Development of ATMs and Bank Tellers

the development of science and technology is advancing rapidly, eventually, some previous technologies began to be abandoned. Previously, banks issued money through tellers, people queued up, then people found an ATM that could represent tellers at the bank, but over time, mini ATMs began to be abandoned because people started transacting e-commerce. -money or m-banking or e-banking That is, if we can't follow technology, we will be abandoned. As reported by the end ATM apocalypse It's getting closer and closer, the proof is that there is an ATM apocalypse. This is reflected in the increasing digital economic and financial transactions. In the report of the latest meeting results, Bank Indonesia noted that the value of digital banking transactions increased by 45% to 39.8%. In 2021, the increase is expected to be even greater this year. public behavior At that time, those who shop online or online more than conventional digital banking transaction values ​​are projected to grow 24% to reach 49 trillion in 2022, said the Governor of Bank Indonesia in a press conference on the results of the RDG in January 2002 to achieve the new target of expanding the official features of BI. Here, one of what Bi has done in encouraging the acceleration of digitalization of the payment system is to expand Kris users. It is hoped that this year there will be tens of millions of new Kris service users. We will expand the use of Kris by targeting 15 million new users by 2022, he said, so that's the final audience. again, people pile up at ATMs, there are no more people being deceived at ATMs, hypnosis, hypnosis, that is the positive impact, yes, but the negative impact is, of course, there is a tendency that people can't be wise, they don't understand using this technology, for example, using banking. app if you click on the application where the application will store the GTA file ransomware that can read the password from the M-banking, eventually that person can lose his money at the bank. The negative impact is of course there are other negative impacts where teller tellers will lose the jobs of ATM machine manufacturers it will also collapse and will go bankrupt that is the negative impact of technological developments so indeed technology changes so quickly viewers if we can't keep up with it we will be thrown out of existence something like that So one day ATM machines will disappear everyone will use m-banking which is better easy or sweet like go-jek go-pay Ovo because it's easier Yes it's just one click a transaction occurs and tends to be safe there are no scams so Yes viewers tend to be safe So that's the viewer, hopefully it's useful, we have to keep updating following the position tellers and customer service in the banking sector are predicted to become extinct in the future along with all The more widespread digitalization in the banking sector, Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani explained that this situation had begun to be seen on the European continent where face-to-face services at a number of banks were increasingly rare, even for customers who wanted to get physical services, they had to pay quite expensive fees for digital services. It's popular because apart from making digital transactions easier nowadays, it also makes all activities more efficient. It's amazing because of the younger generation. They're used to living with digital before, so maybe they don't have to go to the bank anymore, so bang on with the teller. Maybe it's stringking. Versace by twenty four five, I even heard that in Europe, if people want to go to the bank to be served personally, they are very expensive because it's just the indigenous people, Taylor's water is now yourself, so you want to transfer. What do you want to do like that, but not everyone, especially the colonial generation You know, want to have personal interaction, not only is the process easier and completely online. Digital Bank Offices are also different from conventional bank offices where in terms of the number of digital bank offices 3 are as many as conventional bank branches. more unique and more up-to-date than conventional banks. As you can see, the situation at the digital bank office is indeed different and unique if in conventional banks you will see customer queues and also a line of teller counters, the office is quite quiet here because indeed all services are provided online or digitally. From the digital bank office, it is a bit unique where there are lots of seats that look like my current Cafe, it's also like a coworking space so it's easy for customers, apart from the unique office design, the number of employees needed by digital banks is also less when compared to conventional banks. digital l use technology more than fish with human power, so it is not surprising that exit or customer service is predicted not to be needed much in the future, but the number is not as much as in conventional banks. This is indeed very rarely used in conventional banks, the ranks of tellers and customer service are very vital because they have to deal with customers or customers directly, but it is different when compared to digital banks where tellers or customer service are not too important because all service processes are already available. online Then what is the public's response to the position of the teller, let's ask, maybe maybe? has begun to be replaced gradually, such as the number of ATM cash deposits and digital banking services that are carried out online without the need to meet face-to-face

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