Economics and Business

Scarcity of cooking oil and some of its causes

From the end of 2021 until now, the polemic on the price and availability of cooking oil continues to be in the spotlight and is noisy among traders who want to go to mothers, starting from the game of product hoarding prices to causing cooking oil to be scarce in various areas. high cooking oil and this applies to 3 types which are subsidized for bulk packaging the price is rp11,500 per simple pack of rp13,500 per liter and premium packaging costs rp14,000 per liter. It's rare in various areas, it feels like it's just making traders and women move, what are the main factors that make cooking oil out of step and once in a while? The price is quite expensive and why is this cooking oil problem still unfinished? see the price of three types of cooking oil in Indonesia for the last 3 years ir based on data from the national strategic food price information center or PHBS from February 2020 to 2022, the increase in the price of bulk cooking oil soared quite high from February 3, 2020, bulk cooking oil at rp12,700 per kg in mid-January 2022 seen a fairly high spike for cooking oil prices bulk reached rp18,850 always as of February 25, 2022 the price fell to an average of rp16,950 for packaged cooking oil 1 from February 2020 to 2022 the increase in price increased by approximately Rp.5,000 data on February 3, 2020 the price of simple packaged cooking oil was rp14,650 per kg in mid-January 2020 2 seen in the graph the price reached rp21,100 per kilo and as of February 25, 2022 the price was around rp19,300 from February 2020 to 2022 the increase in the price of packaged cooking oil 2 rose by approximately IDR5,000 in mid-January 2022 the price of oil 2 packs of fried oil per kilo reached rp20,550 data on February 2, 2020 the price of simple packaged cooking oil was rp13,900 p er kg then on February 24, 2022 the price increased again to around rp18,250 per kg, many judged that the scarcity of cooking oil was due to the limited stock of one of the basic ingredients, namely palm oil, aka CPO. Is it true? Domestic and exports for domestic CPO are allocated to the food industry, oleochemicals, and biodiesel, along with data on export production and annual Sitio allocation. Tio Kediri-solo has increased quite significantly in the last 3 years due to the b20 and b30 programs. In addition, in 2022, the price of CPO has increased quite dramatically on the world market 2021. It has decreased by approximately 1% in the previous year but in 2022 there has been an increase to 49 % even for Sitio's consumption from year to year has increased to reach 20.59 million The main conclusion from these two arrivals is that the exported CPO does not affect the scarcity of cooking oil in the country because the amount of domestic CPO income continues to increase, so what, because the policy choice was deliberately more favoring food for energy than food for the stomachs of the people, they just have to live alone. If that's the case, don't blame me, if Pio has less and less cooking oil, why do I increase cooking oil production by increasing the production of all three, becoming a cooking oil entrepreneur, and the nature of biodiesel, PT biodiesel, can get hundreds of trillions of pt's of cooking oil, he doesn't want to sell at a loss, ask for subsidies, he got it again. Later, in various areas, many people were arrested for stockpiling cooking oil up to thousands of liters, according to the results of the Task Force on Scarcity and    The occurrence of hoarding of cooking oil is caused by many business actors who previously bought cooking oil at high prices at the same time the government issued menstruation or the highest retail price which was cheaper than the buying price of traders at that time. This condition made traders worried and chose to stockpile so as not to lose money. That's what caused people to invade the retail market, that's definitely not the case, but the evidence is still there now. Tafsir Pak Nandini has found that in book 10, 10 phenomenal findings, including those who are suspected of hoarding, some are forging, some are diverting what should be bulk for consumption channeled to our industry the government never relents let alone loses to the mafia I will make sure they are arrested Once again I will fight Sorry, yes. Just stop by and make sure they go to work, it's still visible up front. What are two contradicting sentences, don't want to attack, pull out something desperate h Until now the government has not been able to solve the cooking oil problem. Even though there are many packaged cooking oils on the market, the price has skyrocketed, people are turning to bulk cooking oil, but because of the increasing demand, supplies are running low and the price is also jumping. Why is the cooking oil problem not being resolved when the government has issued a number of regulations to deploy the Task Force.

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