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Vegetables are one of the foodstuffs from plants that can be consumed by anyone. Some types of vegetables are very easy to find and processed. Consumption of various green vegetables has extraordinary benefits for the body. Green vegetables have many benefits because of the nutritional content in them, such as fiber, vitamins, minerals, compounds vegetables and other nutritional content Now for those of you who don't know the types of green vegetables that have many good benefits for the body, the following 7 healthy summarizes 12 green vegetables that are rich in health benefits

 1 spinach this green vegetable is probably the most famous type of vegetable, not only delicious, spinach contains very good nutrition for the body, spinach is rich in fiber, folate, antioxidants, vitamin A, vitamin C and vitamin K, some of the benefits of consuming spinach are that it can maintain eye health, helps fight asthma attacks. osteoporosis and arthritis In addition, spinach is also a very good source of iron for the blood.

2.Broccoli, Broccoli can be eaten raw, steamed or cooked. It is rich in fiber, vitamins and minerals. Broccoli also contains antioxidants, namely sulfur and Lutein, which are good for reducing cancer risk. In addition, broccoli also has other benefits for the health of the body, such as helping the digestive system, the heart, and beautifying the skin. for pregnant women to help sufferers of depression and so forth.

3 Cabbage, although it has a paler color than other green vegetables, is a type of vegetable that is rich in vitamin C. Cabbage benefits for health. That is, it can fight cancer, it is good for digestion, it increases immunity, it is good for bones and teeth, good for the kidneys, it is good for the heart, it treats stomach acid, and it is healthy for the skin and bones. many more

 4 Kale Kale vegetables are considered as one of the most nutrient-dense green vegetables. It contains complete nutrition, starting from vitamin A, Amin C, vitamins, calcium, potassium and folate. Kale vegetables are best eaten raw because cooking them can reduce the nutritional content in them. to lower cholesterol reduce the risk of heart disease and reduce the risk of disease caused by free radicals.

5. Mustard greens contain lots of water, fiber, carbohydrates, potassium, vitamin K, calcium, iron, magnesium and zinc, which can help prevent cardiovascular disease, maintain eye health and bone health.

 6. Water spinach in kale has a lot of nutritional content, meaning vitamin A and vitamin C. In addition, there is also a vitamin B complex which is useful for increasing hormones so as to create a comfortable atmosphere. It also contains minerals such as potassium, phosphorus and calcium, this makes kale has benefits. for health such as treating anemia, lowering cholesterol, anti-diabetic, anti-aging, preventing free radicals and increasing immunity.

7. Cocorduck contains glycosides, mucus substances, resin, biofilm, magnesium malate, calcium oxalate, formic acid, etc., has anti-inflammatory properties, stops bleeding, reduces swelling, and accelerates healing.

8. Lemongrass contains vitamins A, B1 (thiamine) B2 (Riboflavin) B3 (Niacin) C and contains folate, magnesium, iron, zinc, copper, calcium, etc., has anti-fungal and anti-microbial properties, beneficial for digestive health, lowers blood pressure and bad cholesterol and treat diabetes

9. Carrots, these vegetables contain B vitamins, if you eat carrots regularly, your memory will be brighter and it will be easier for you to learn many things. Carrots increase intelligence.

10. Tomatoes, if eaten regularly, will reduce weight, help with insomnia, reduce skin damage, help eyesight, reduce the risk of cancer and heart disease, and reduce prostate cancer, lung cancer, and colon cancer.

11. Asparagus Asparagus is a highly nutritious vegetable such as vitamin B6, vitamin K, vitamin B2 and vitamin B1, it doesn't stop there. Asparagus is also supported by minerals such as selenium. Several years of test studies have also shown that asparagus can be used for the liver.

12. Pare. Pare is one of the green vegetables that has a bitter taste. But who would have thought the bitterness of this vegetable turns out to have a myriad of high fiber. In addition, it contains calcium, potassium, iron, vitamin C and vitamin A. The benefits of bitter melon for the health of the body are that it can reduce levels Sugar in the blood lowers cholesterol and lowers blood pressure.

 13. Cassava leaves Cassava leaves contain high protein and iron. In addition, there is also vitamin A and vitamin C. Compared to spinach, cassava leaves have the same iron content, even the protein content in cassava leaves is 4 times and vitamin A is doubled. times that of spinach.

 14. celery celery is a very rich source of minerals such as calcium, iron and potassium in addition to the minerals in celery it also contains vitamin A and vitamin C. The benefits of this celery leaf are like urine bullets, menstrual laxatives, lower blood pressure, anti-bleeding, blood cleansing or anti-seizure dhitocks, stop cancer. and able to inhibit the growth of tumor cells.

 15. Pakcoy for those of you who love Chinese cuisine, perhaps you have often consumed Pakcoy, one of the nutrients contained in Pakcoy is selenium, a type of mineral that helps thyroid gland function. Not only that, time is also rich in vitamin A, vitamin C and collagen.

 16. lettuce lettuce has many health benefits, such as being able to prevent premature aging, strengthening bones, increasing fertility, maintaining blood stability, healthy heart, strengthening bones and teeth, preventing cancer, helping constipation, and improving liver health.

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