Crime and Law


After One month Investigation of the Murdered Case of Brigadier J

Forensic Psychologist Reza Indragiri assessed that the handling of the case of Brigadier J or the case of the prolonged death of Nofriansyah Yoshua Hutabarat on Friday (8/7/2022) was constrained by non-technical factors.

"Strictly speaking, organizational factors from within the Indonesian National Police themselves are trying to let them go there, trying to deviate here," said Reza on Sapa Indonesia Pagi KOMPAS TV, Friday (5/8/2022).

He admitted that he agreed with the statement of the Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal, and Human Rights (Menko Polhukam) Mahfud MD that there were psycho- hierarchical and psycho-political elements in handling the police shooting case that occurred at the official residence of Inspector General Ferdy Sambo.

"The psycho-hierarchy and psycho-politics expressed by the Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs reminded me of the term code of silence," he said. their disgrace.

"It doesn't just happen in one or two police institutions, but this is a phenomenon," he said. Meanwhile, psycho-politics, according to Reza, is related to the existence of cliques or gangs, or subgroups within the police organization.

"So there are sub-headquarters within the National Police Headquarters itself," he said.

He said that the code of silence and the "gangs" that existed within the police organization often contradicted the organization's official directions and policies.

"They are like thorns in the flesh, a nuisance," said Reza.

Therefore, he views this phenomenon as a big challenge for the Chief of the Indonesian National Police (Kapolri) General Listyo Sigit Prabowo in increasing the internal solidarity of the Police.

"PR (homework -ed) for the Tribrata Corps, is not only revealing this case, not only on the criminal aspect, but how to carry out a massive organizational reform to erode the silent code and eradicate various disturbing cliques within the police institution itself, "He said. According to him, the power to eliminate the silent code is in the hands of the police leadership and the president, because the public can't do much.

"People don't seem to be able to do much about these two things, it's the honor of the leadership of the National Police and the President of the Republic of Indonesia who will be able to determine how far the silent code and cliques in the Polri organization can be managed as much as possible," he said. (Ret.) Bekto Suprapto revealed that Polri investigators should have been able to identify Bharada E or Richard Eliezer Pudihang Lumia as suspects on the day the shooting of Brigadier J occurred on Friday, July 8, 2022.

"The determination of Bharada E as a suspect can be done since Friday, July 8, because the incident is clear, there are people who die, some admit to shooting, and so on," said Bekto in Sapa Indonesia Pagi KOMPAS TV, Friday (5/8/2022). ).

He assessed that the steps taken by the Chief of the Indonesian National Police (Kapolri) General Listyo Sigit Prabowo were firm by deactivating several Polri officials involved in the case that caused the death of Brigadier J or Nofriansyah Yoshua Hutabarat.

align: justify;">Furthermore, the National Police Chief has also issued a secret telegram (TR) regarding the mutation of 15 police personnel on Thursday (4/8/2022) related to the police shooting case that caused Bharada E to be named a suspect. rank, not limited by position," explained Bekto.

Regarding the possibility of other suspects, Bekto said, it is necessary to wait for the results of the Police investigation.

"I think this will be very serious and will be fast," he said.

He likens the steps taken by the Police to investigate this case to wagons. According to him, the first carriage is the deactivation of the police personnel involved. Then the second carriage is the mutation of the Police personnel who are suspected of being involved in the case.

He suspects that there will still be other carriages from the investigation process into the case of Brigadier J's death. Since this investigation will continue to develop, witness statements will be adjusted later with evidence at the crime scene and other evidence," he said. This investigation will continue to develop, according to to witness testimony later with evidence at the crime scene and other evidence," he said.

"I believe this will be fast for the next carriages," added Bekto. He also assessed that the obstacles in the investigation process, which were of concern to the public, had been cleared by the National Police Chief.

"In other words, when investigators line up, they usually take normal steps, with this the barrier has been opened. It is a firm step, faster, more manly, more certain," he explained.

Regarding the expectations of the public and Brigadier J's family for Bharada E to admit and open this case thoroughly, Bekto emphasized that in the scientific crime investigation method.

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