Confession of Barada E
LPSK Says Bharada E is not good at shooting and is only a driver, how is it different from Kombes Budhi's statement?
In addition, the police also said that in this case, the investigator will examine anyone related to the location of the incident.
"We will continue to investigate and open this case clearly," explained the Head of the Public Relations Division of the National Police Inspector General Dedi Prasetyo. Regarding the whereabouts of Bharata E, the police said that Bharata's determination of the suspect Bharada E was related to a report from Brigadier J's family. Bharata E with articles 338 of the Criminal Code junto 55 and 56 of the Criminal Code so it's not buying yourself.
Bharata E Asks for Protection: I'm Not The Main Actor
After being examined for a 2×24 hour marathon by the Bareskrim Team, Friday (5/8/2022), Bharata E was questioned again by the Itwarsum Team. On Friday night, Bharata E admitted that he was not the perpetrator of the shooting that killed Brigadier J. Bharada E immediately asked for protection.
Based on this confession, according to a source from, Bharata E was immediately brought by Irwasum, Deputy Chief of Police, Kabaintelkam, and Kabareskrim to the National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit. said there was no confirmation regarding this. "There is no confirmation regarding this matter. Sir," he replied via WhatsApp, Saturday (6/8/2022).
During the marathon examination, Bharata E recounted the actual events that occurred on Friday (8/7/2022) afternoon at around 14:30-15:00 at the official residence of the former Head of the National Police Propam Division Inspector General Ferdy Sambo. Last night after the examination, Bharata E met his parents.
Previously, the National Police Team named Bharata E as a suspect in the murder of Brigadier Yosua alias Brigadier J. Bharada E was charged with Article 338 of the Criminal Code after the investigation team carried out a case title at the Bareskrim Police Headquarters, Jakarta, Wednesday (3/8/2022). Dirtipidum Bareskrim Polri Brigadier General Andi Rian, accompanied by the Public Relations Division of the Police led by the Head of the Public Relations Division of the Police Inspector General Dedi Prasetyo.
"After the suspect is determined, of course, we will continue with the examination of the suspect, we will immediately arrest and detain him," said Brigadier General Andi Rian.
Up in arms! Bharata Eliezer Makes Confession That He's Not The Shooter Of Brigadier J
After the shocking confession that Bhadrta Eliezer was not the shooter of Brigadier Joshua, dozens of Brimob personnel in uniforms with long barrels were seen on standby at the National Police Criminal Investigation Department Building, Trunojoyo Street, South Jakarta, Saturday (6/8/2022). These Brimob troops were seen at the Awaloeddin Djamin Building with a backpack along with a long black bag complete with a protective helmet. They were caught on camera by journalists when they were about to get into the elevator. As for the Awaloeddin Djamin building, there is a detention room located at Baseman 1A, where Bharata Richard Eliezer Pudihang Lumiu alias Bharada E was detained after being named a suspect. When confirmed by the RMOL Political News Agency as quoted from Pojoksatu. id, the Head of the Public Relations Division of the Police Inspector General Dedi Prasetyo asked the media to be patient while waiting for the development of the Special Team (Timsus) formed by the National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo to uncover the case of the death of Brigadier Yosua Hutabarat alias Brigadier Joshua. "Mas, together we update from Timsus, yes," said Dedi when confirmed a while ago, Saturday (6/8/2022). Based on the information gathered, Bharata E, who was investigated after being named a suspect, admitted that he was not the perpetrator of the shooting of Brigadier J. Therefore, the Timsus, which was fronted by the Deputy Chief of Police, Irwasum, and Kabareskrim, immediately brought Bharada E to face the National Police Chief, General Listyo Sigit Prabowo.
Bharata E's Confessions in the Case of the Death of Joshua, Lawyer: Under Pressure for Scenario
Bharata E's lawyer, Deolipa Yumara revealed that his client is now more ready to open up about the true incident related to the death of Brigadier J.
“Now it is ready and will tell the story as it is. So that he is not considered a bad person either. To secure his interests, he has to be safe,” said Deolipa. The lawyer also revealed that in addition to the order to shoot, Eliezer had previously been under pressure to create a scenario for the death of Brigadier Joshua.
“This pressure includes making scenarios as if it happened like this, when in fact it is not like this but like that. He had to tell the truth. Because the previous scenario was a nonsense story, shoot, and shoot,” explained Deolipa to KompasTV.