Crime and law


Brigadier Joshua's murder investigation

It's been a month since the two-star general has become a suspect in premeditated murder with the highest penalty for murder, then now the question is whether murder is the reason behind all of this. My letter is legally constructed because it is sensitive, maybe only adults should hear that he became angry. and emotions after receiving a report from his wife PC who had experienced actions that hurt the dignity of his family He But his position is like this End of time How many times have this reasoned been not part of education, not only made law enforcement activities more transparent and the story at the beginning of the Republic was a bit eggy because it's sensitive it may only be heard by adults on the other side of the examination of Why Yes following a statement from the director of cybercrimes of the National Police Brigadier General of the police that became angry and after receiving a report from his wife his PC had increased which injures the dignity of the working family Ali Dian interview accompanied the key witness of this case items that previously did not admit then later admitted clearly that made all of this completely changed including there are 31 police officers where we are again where 12 of them were examined related to the case criminal law now Together with Dewi morning angry the new law is correct that you are no longer a legal adviser from the west, you have arrived home but you don't know yet, please sign like this Here is the signature of the letter. 100 affidavit he said that there was a date and time of the first power of attorney and the revocation of your rights I hope you don't have a letter of condolence that is an agreement with nothing there is a photo of this yes Why to make a cake between you and him So if you are according to conscience You have a date. But if you don't have it, it's always the same as a real letter with pressure or a bus I also received information that you received an order to achieve satisfaction and from there it was there but what was that? So that's my story, this Saturday morning, I just came home at 7 am I was still exercising, usually, the child was like this before he went to sleep again until 7:00 PM Around midnight, Mbah's the phone from Police Headquarters made three calls, didn't sleep, I picked it up quickly to Police Headquarters, something important was there, he was red and white, he left at 3 o'clock 2 o'clock 3 to red and white, red and white OK, both have a horse, if don't know yet don't know it's been 12 years don't know that's why it's normal, we think it can be ambiguous, meaning this later means that it happened in places that had it at that time already made an open confession, don't know the story, one of the first founders just had a look around the construction of criminal law events, then the evidence, then anything that has been done by the investigator, including the fact that there is a Timsus It's been working. A lot of ballistic tests. The data went back to Jambi. There's also a lot of police education work. This is what they wrote at that time, but the person said he was sleeping again. Then I heard that he finally wrote. No need to ask, sir. Let me write, yes, I did, it wasn't long. We chatted in the Manado language. Before we start, the devil's FB, where is the junior high school, Where is the person, what date was he born, and these writings are not original Why don't you want to talk right away, don't talk, but I'm the one who looks like I have a member guarding him, he's afraid to read this wrong, I'm heard Oh, I'm still afraid that someone is guarding him in the room, wants to guard him, he says he writes a lot, that's all the point is, but after all the stories are finished, you continue everything   Okay But he already has a small writing which he is still hesitant about writing directly from the west if we shoot but on the basis of orders How bro hehehe how is that all included The information conveyed using the same gun 17 usually knows that but he shoot while flying, sis, you said you guessed okay happened, did many times fall from above orders in this case every job is good work sometimes it goes wrong sometimes there are times maybe you know I am carrying out orders to become a lawyer and a lawyer you can whatever you have something for the sake of law and justice for the sake of eliminating anxiety in the community and I also read from 3 times it was sent related to what you said your statement did not match the minutes of the inspection of the goods, yes, we don't know that between them did not speak according to the agreement we are we don't know that you conveyed what was in the media according to the statement of the words yes and the wind yes no that was just what was said out of what happened there This is the official one where I have my forged money there is also a photo that is not possible Then you convey which does not match what was conveyed, it may have been said earlier that you said that Based on a statement with the company where you worked based on orders No Have no interests I also work under orders No Have no interests He was ordered to be mentioned at the time of building he must be the place I am too when he shot he didn't dare to organize my own personality but how about this position, he's still alive, not facing each other or the preposition behind him Yes, that's right there. Who sleeps in the closest room from the 2nd to the 8th, which he calls above the death of Brigadier Joshua One month ago k Joshua killed The National Police Chief General Tito Sigit Prabowo, the suspect in the murder, has decided to identify him as a suspect. Can Repeat after setting him as a suspect. Putting things from Chess Veda as a suspect. On August 3, it was called shooting Joshua. 4 days later the police caught pebbles and strong electric current. One of the TNI aides who was hit was the driver of Ferdi Putri Candrawati's wife, sustenance and strong, was said to have helped and witnessed the shooting, while the fourth series of the murder cases, the former head of the professional and security division of the National Police, was said to have ordered his aide to be present. Richard Eliazar shot students and gave orders to shoot. and made a shooting scenario at his official residence at the Duren Tiga Police complex, Jakarta. Assisted and witnessed the shooting. Assisted and witnessed the shooting of the victim. his wife Putri Candrawati at home from the conversation is believed to have influenced the killing of Joshua at the official residence, what is the content of the conversation? that time in Saguling there was an incident which in the video recording that we got was approximately 1 hour, so what we asked was what happened in that incident, it turns out that there was indeed communication between Mr. At TKP 46 premeditated murder with the threat of death penalty will be subject to a murder article with a lighter sentence police reveal murder on the other hand the Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs Mahfud MD mentioned the motive for killing adults which is important now that the eggs used to be what we testified from the legal construction because maybe adults can only be heard by the police who are constructed by the police, is it already hot in the community? Is the noise exclusive? That's what woi woi said, the condition of kneeling for mercy or how scared, like this, people who kneel are people who surrender The problem is this is something that has to be processed back later on this cellphone but maybe it's impossible for everything to change when you are no longer a lawyer where the lawyer before stepping down really will change, right. among others and equal, that's why it's called the giver of power and the recipient of the power of attorney, actually Brother, I see that there are things that have not been fully disclosed by those who are just about to enter, but this is a big case involving the Polri institution. good at my goal that's why I also dare to defend helping police comrades with the aim that this is red and white, there are also many police personnel, even very many good ones are damaged, 99% of the police are good. How come there is something extraordinary behind it, not just the togetherness spirit of the police, right? There are also 31 things that have been processed, maybe there are other things from Brother that can't happen if I'm not a lawyer or there are no problems because the husband is only when I have my power of attorney revoked to the state how much will I pay?

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